drain cleaning canoga park, Emergency Plumber in canoga park, plumber canoga park ca

Top DIY Drain Cleaning Tricks!

Chemical concentrations, food product buildup and grease accumulation are the most common causes of drain clogs in private homes. At their worst, these clogs require professional cleaning, or even repairs, which may not be possible given certain budgets or plumbing systems.

In the best-case scenario, however, you may be able to eliminate these clogs with several at-home methods and tools, before contacting a professional plumber in Canoga Park.

Use hot water

Often overlooked due to its simplicity, sometimes a simple hot water cleanses could be all your clogged or dirty drains need to return to peak performance. Flushing your drain pipes with hot water can often dislodge clogged materials and buildup gunk, through a simple combination of water pressure, force and heat.

For the best results, try running hot water through your clogged or dirty drains for about 15 minutes. If all goes accordingly, the bare heat and force of the water will dislodge any buildups affecting your drain, and return your pipes to optimal working condition at no cost to you.

 Use Home-made liquid cleaners

When the above techniques are impractical or otherwise don’t work in your unique situation, you may want to try clearing your drains with homemade mixture solutions. Like commercial, chemical cleaners, these solutions can break down and dislodge any drain pipe buildup affecting your pipes; however, unlike commercial cleaners, these solutions do not come with the risk of pipe damage or deterioration after extended use.


The most common of these at-home mixtures is a simple vinegar and baking soda concoction; these products, which you may already have in your home pantry, react when combined to break down loose materials within pipes, and have no effects on the structure of the surrounding pipe walls.

Pour one cup of each down your drain pipes, and follow it after a short, 3 to 5 minute time-span with boiling water. If all goes well, this drain cleaning technique will remove any clogging in your drains, for a fraction of the price and danger risk of commercial chemical cleaners.

 Sugared sodas and drain clogs

This trick for drain cleaning in Canoga Park is often overlooked just for its strangeness; but it’s so unconventional, it just happens to work. Soft drinks and sugary sodas, such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola products, can resolve common drain clogs much like the homemade solutions featured previously in this blog.

Significantly safer than commercial drain cleaners, like the baking soda and vinegar solutions, soda applications can break through clogged debris thanks to the dissolving agents included in these sodas; most notably, phosphoric acid. These agents, surprisingly, may even be more effective than chemical, commercial cleaners. It just goes to show, when it comes to effective drain cleaning, sometimes the unconventional solutions are the best ones out there.

Use a Plunger

Other simple techniques you may not have considered for cleaning your drains can be done with tools you already own; before going out and purchasing DIY drain cleaning tools, or calling a professional plumber to assess your drains, try using these tools to perform easy, quick drain pipe fixes.

Your plunger; the bathroom plunger you already own may be the perfect solution for your clogged or poorly performing drains. Even more effective for sink drains are specialized sink plungers, which feature optimized designs ideal for sink applications.


Hire Only Licensed Plumber Canoga Park

You come back home after a long tiring day at office and to your dismay you find a plumbing leak inside! That could be very frustrating experience when all you’re looking for is a cup of coffee and much-needed relaxation in your living room. There’s no escaping plumbing issues and the most annoying part is that these can creep up anytime. As you recover quickly from disappointment, you shut off the water valve and control the leak. Next, you need to find an experienced and licensed plumber Canoga Park because only he can resolve your plumbing issue permanently. You may even need to hire the services of an emergency plumber in case water leak is too excessive and cannot be controlled by shutting off water valve.

So, how do you find the right plumber? Yes, you read that right, the right plumber here refers to a professional plumber who has adequate experience and knowledge in handling plumbing problems of any type, any scale. It is very easy for homeowners to get confused while hiring a plumber because there are so many plumbing contractors offering plumbing services in and around Canoga Park. However, not all of them are created equal. Some of them do not even have a proper license to operate as a professional plumber. Such plumbers usually undertake small plumbing issues that can be fixed easily, using traditional plumbing methods.

However, only licensed plumber Canoga Park can resolve even the most complex plumbing issues in short time, using latest technology, tools and equipment. One of the first thing that you should ask any plumber before hiring is whether they are licensed or not. If the reply is in affirmative, you can go ahead, but if they fail to show you the valid license you should move on to next plumber. Yes, you need to see the license because even a rookie plumber can say he’s licensed but he won’t have anything to show. Having a licensed plumber is the first requirement because only licensed plumbers are well equipped to resolve any kind of plumbing problem imaginable. There are so many things that separate licensed plumber from rookie plumbers, you just need to have a presence of mind to notice the difference.