drain cleaning canoga park, Emergency Plumber in canoga park, plumber canoga park ca

Top DIY Drain Cleaning Tricks!

Chemical concentrations, food product buildup and grease accumulation are the most common causes of drain clogs in private homes. At their worst, these clogs require professional cleaning, or even repairs, which may not be possible given certain budgets or plumbing systems.

In the best-case scenario, however, you may be able to eliminate these clogs with several at-home methods and tools, before contacting a professional plumber in Canoga Park.

Use hot water

Often overlooked due to its simplicity, sometimes a simple hot water cleanses could be all your clogged or dirty drains need to return to peak performance. Flushing your drain pipes with hot water can often dislodge clogged materials and buildup gunk, through a simple combination of water pressure, force and heat.

For the best results, try running hot water through your clogged or dirty drains for about 15 minutes. If all goes accordingly, the bare heat and force of the water will dislodge any buildups affecting your drain, and return your pipes to optimal working condition at no cost to you.

 Use Home-made liquid cleaners

When the above techniques are impractical or otherwise don’t work in your unique situation, you may want to try clearing your drains with homemade mixture solutions. Like commercial, chemical cleaners, these solutions can break down and dislodge any drain pipe buildup affecting your pipes; however, unlike commercial cleaners, these solutions do not come with the risk of pipe damage or deterioration after extended use.


The most common of these at-home mixtures is a simple vinegar and baking soda concoction; these products, which you may already have in your home pantry, react when combined to break down loose materials within pipes, and have no effects on the structure of the surrounding pipe walls.

Pour one cup of each down your drain pipes, and follow it after a short, 3 to 5 minute time-span with boiling water. If all goes well, this drain cleaning technique will remove any clogging in your drains, for a fraction of the price and danger risk of commercial chemical cleaners.

 Sugared sodas and drain clogs

This trick for drain cleaning in Canoga Park is often overlooked just for its strangeness; but it’s so unconventional, it just happens to work. Soft drinks and sugary sodas, such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola products, can resolve common drain clogs much like the homemade solutions featured previously in this blog.

Significantly safer than commercial drain cleaners, like the baking soda and vinegar solutions, soda applications can break through clogged debris thanks to the dissolving agents included in these sodas; most notably, phosphoric acid. These agents, surprisingly, may even be more effective than chemical, commercial cleaners. It just goes to show, when it comes to effective drain cleaning, sometimes the unconventional solutions are the best ones out there.

Use a Plunger

Other simple techniques you may not have considered for cleaning your drains can be done with tools you already own; before going out and purchasing DIY drain cleaning tools, or calling a professional plumber to assess your drains, try using these tools to perform easy, quick drain pipe fixes.

Your plunger; the bathroom plunger you already own may be the perfect solution for your clogged or poorly performing drains. Even more effective for sink drains are specialized sink plungers, which feature optimized designs ideal for sink applications.

Drain Cleaning West Hills, Plumbing Contractors, Plumbing Service

Things That You Should Not Put Down in The Drain

Most of the people do not consider what they are putting down the drain! Let me tell you that drains are the most sensitive part of the entire sewerage system of your home. If you are careless regarding what you are putting in the drain, there will be no time in which your drain will get clogged and you will have to hire a plumber.

All you have to do is to be little careful regarding what you are pouring down that drain and you can avoid clogged drains and the hefty price that you will have to pay the plumbers for drain cleaning services in West Hills.

If you are also unaware of what you are putting down that drain, then you are in the right place. In this blog, I will list down some of the things that you should strictly avoid putting in drain.


You may be tempted to rinse the grease immediately after cooking something oily like meat but it can cause serious plumbing issue down the line.  The problem is that water and grease cool as they move through pipes, collecting all the debris on the way, solidifying and creating a blockage. So instead of pouring grease in the drain, better collect in a jar, let it cool and then dispose it off in trash can.



Not many know it but flour can also create messy plumbing problem.  According to plumbing experts, dry flour can clump when poured in the drain with water, leading the blocking the passage of pipe. So, dump the flour into the trash can, instead of putting it in drain.


While it is believed that anything can be dumped into the garbage disposal, but that is truly not the case.  Yes, you heard it right. Animal bones consist of fats that can easily dull the disposal blades and create clogging in the drain.


 I am sure that you must be shocked as you are reading the list of strictly do not put items in the drain.  Mostly pouring leftover rice into the drain is a no big deal, but that is not the case. According to experts, pasta and rice can expand in the pipe and lead to clogging. So if you have left over rice in your plate at the end of the meal, make sure that you put it into the crash can before you place the plate into the sink.

Mashed potatoes

Potatoes do not sound like a stubborn food item and can easily be separated, when put in water. But it does not mean that you can easily dispose them off in sink. Potatoes consist of starch and it can lead to significant plumbing clogs. So, it is better that you toss of the leftover mashed potatoes in trash can before you rinse the dish off.

When you take care of what you pour in the drain, you will not require drain repair service in Woodland Hills Ca. so better be aware of what to pour in that drain! Good Luck!

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Guidelines for Hiring the Best Plumber in Business

Did you know that plumbing is one of the most blooming businesses? Now, you may think why is it so? Well, the reason is pretty simple. Plumbing is a complicated job and you need to be well-trained and understand the perks of plumbing. Almost every day, a lot of people face plumbing issues as it is something that happens overnight, all of a sudden.

So, if you too are looking for a professional plumber, then you are in the right place. In this Blog, I will discuss on the tips to get the best professional plumber in business.


Most states local plumbing contractors require plumbers to have licenses. This shows that the plumber meets at least the minimum competency for doing his job. California requires that all plumbers be licensed. Check for a license but also check with the Better Business Bureau and the state licensing office to see if your plumber has a good rating, especially if your job is a larger one.


The plumber in Chico you choose should carry insurance. They should also be bonded. This protects both you and the plumber. In case of an injury or an accident you want to make sure you have all your bases covered.


Length of time in business

While a brand new plumber can do a wonderful job, it’s better to hire someone with plenty of experience. If a company has plumbers, or if the individual plumber, has years in the industry that probably means they have a proven track record in the business. This is always something to look for.


For a small job references may not be necessary. If you have a large job checking your plumber’s references will be critical. Again, if a plumber will not give you any references consider another one that will. You can begin by checking the plumbing company’s website for recommendations. Talking with past customers is one of the best ways to check out a plumber’s work.

Accurate quote

A good plumber should be able to come in and give you a pretty good estimate of what needs to be done and how much it will cost. From time to time there will be some major or unforeseen issues crop up but by and large a real plumbing pro will be very accurate in their initial assessment. For larger jobs, get three estimates and always be wary of a price that comes in too low.


Any worthy plumber is going to stand behind his work and give you a good warranty on his parts and labor. If they will not warranty their work move on to another local plumbing services. The guarantee will offer you security and peace of mind along with giving you a great idea that your plumber is reliable.

Interpersonal skills

Choose a plumber you like and get along with well. This could be a long-term business arrangement. If you find a plumber you mesh well with you will feel better about any future repairs and plumbing work you need done. You want peace of mind when you have plumbing work done.

Plumber, Plumbing Contractors, Plumbing Service

These Are The Things You Must Know About Plumbing

The plumbing system is one of the most complex things in your home and I am sure every one of you had to struggle with it at one point in your life.

However, if you know the few of the things regarding plumbing, it becomes a really easy job and you may be able to fix a lot of plumbing issues all by yourself. Yes, you heard it right, without hiring for local plumbing services. After reading this blog, you will be easily able to handle the emergency plumbing situation. So, read on!

Pay close attention to plumbing safety tips!

There are a few different areas of concern you should be aware of when it comes to your plumbing’s safety. Water that’s 130 degrees or hotter can cause serious burns if exposed to skin for as little as 30 seconds. If sewage backs up into your home or you have a burst in the sewer pipe, very harmful bacteria and toxic mold can be introduced.

Water damage from leaks can also cause unsafe situations. Drywall can crumble or become brittle, wet floors can become a slipping/falling hazard, and ceilings can hold onto water. Water damage is an unsafe situation that you want to alleviate immediately. Don’t stay in your home if you have a leaky ceiling. Call local plumbing contractors as soon as possible.

Learn about the safety of water

Even though we drink water every day, we tend not to think much about the importance of our plumbing. It’s crucial for our health and safety. Unhealthy water can pose a risk for everyone. That’s why we need to be aware of the quality of our drinking water.


The term ‘potable water’ means water that’s safe to consume. Potable water must stay clean and uncontaminated. Examples of non -potable water are sewage, groundwater, wastewater, and water that drains from the sink.

Don’t leave the safety of your water supply in someone else’s hands. There have been cases around the country recently where people assume that their water is safe to drink.

You should know how to cut down the water-supply

Let’s say that a plumbing catastrophe resulted in the water suddenly spraying everywhere. An unprepared homeowner would easily become frantic in such a situation. Locate the main water shutoff valve for your home, just in case you ever have to use it. There should also be functional shutoffs under each fixture.

Make sure you know how to operate the shutoff valve. Explain to responsible older children how they can operate them just in case they ever needed to.

Be aware of the life span of each plumbing fixture

Your roof, refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher have a limited lifespan. All your plumbing components do, too. Pipes, garbage disposals, water heaters, faucets, and toilets are all going to fail. Be aware of the lifespan of each fixture in your home.

So, these are some of the things that you must know about plumbing to tackle any of the plumbing issues easily.